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Tips for Starving Musicians!

This web site contains everything you need

(to keep from starving)

This is my friend Jason Chance out in Philly,
before he became a rock star.

"Will Play For Food". Gotta love it.
(There's a song in there somewhere)

Busqing is not a bad way to pay the rent.
There are better ways to get food though.

Come take a trip with King Scruff as we journey
through the City of Los Angeles and learn
how to handle starving musicianship.

You can explore the Adventures of King Scruff more fully
on the King Scruff You Tube Channel.

Which is currently running a ten part series entitled
"Tips for the Starving Musician"

If you're a musician, you want to spend your time doing music,
not working for the man. If you have a day job,
it's 10 hours by the time you include the commute.

You can get those hours back, by using a simple strategy.

You can begin reading about it by clicking on the About link here or above.

(this site is still under development)

( meanwhile, please visit )

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